Thursday, October 22, 2009
KAIROS and Beyond Commitments Announced This Weekend
So I’ll stuff my pain or my feelings which only serves to burden or hurt me. If you’ve ever been there, this weekend of the F-word series is for YOU...and well, me too! DO NOT MISS it!The F-Word series continues this weekend. The series is a hit! This weekend will be GOOD Stuff!
Saturday: 5:30 p.m.Sunday: 8:30, 9:30, 10, 11 & 11:30 a.m.
Also, I will be announcing the totals for the KAIROS DO NOT MISS this weekend!
Can’t wait until Saturday and Sunday,
Tim Celek
Lead Pastor
The Crossing
Friday, October 16, 2009
Every Man's Battle
Immediately after the talk we start a new group called “Every Man’s Battle” where you’ll learn a practical, detailed plan for dealing with sexual temptation one battle at a time.
The group will go through the book “Every Man’s Battle” in a very safe “men’s only” environment. This book is a must read for all men, and going through it in a safe group is the very best way to help win the battle.
What: Lifelines Launches “Every Man’s Battle”
When: Friday October 16, 2009
7:00pm Speaker Meeting
8:00pm Small Group
Where: Speaker Meeting in The Tent
Small Group in The Kidzone
Cost: Group is free. The book is available for $13 in The Tent.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Mexico Trip
Not only was another house built for a family in need, over 70 people accepted Christ and signed up to be in a Bible study to help establish their faith!
We saw God answer prayers and our team did an awesome job of building, sharing their testimonies, and loving on the people.
The Children’s team worked with over 100 kids making crafts, playing, sharing, the cook team made AWESOME authentic taco lunches for the team and community on Friday & Saturday!
It was an amazing experience. If you are interested in GOing down for a day trip or the next build trip, contact Ian Stevenson at
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
The Crossing Children's Ministry
The Children's Ministry is actively inviting people to join their teams. We have a specific need in the following areas:
- Classrooms on Saturday at 5:30pm OR Sunday at 11:30am
- Check in kiosk at all services on the weekends
- Resource Center during the week
If you are interested in joining the Children's Ministry, please contact Liliana Sanchez. You can find our more information on the Children's Ministry check out our webpage!
Monday, October 12, 2009
GO Update by Ian Stevenson
GO is ready and excited about all God has been and is doing through the people of The Crossing!
Our goal is to update anyone interested in what’s GOing on with our Outreach efforts.
(If you want to receive these updates do nothing, if you don’t want to receive them hit reply and say “Please Take me off the List” and we will.)
We are officially starting the PERSONAL GO NETWORK – If you are willing to share the names of 3 people you are personally reaching out to and would like to receive monthly encouragement and ideas of events, resources and things you could do or share to help reach them then... REPLY TO THIS E-MAIL with the three names and you will officially be a part of the network!
LOCAL GO:Here are some Local Outreach Opportunities for Oct:
Day in the Park (10/31)- Help serve the homeless at Lion’s Park. Play games and do crafts with kids! You can help set up, serve food, and pray for people who attend. Set up starts at 9:30am. Lunch is provided for volunteers. Contact Carol at to find out how you can help.
Looking ahead.....
Elementary School Clean Up! (11/14)- All in one day, we are going to do 4 elementary school clean ups in Costa Mesa from 8am-12pm! Bring your family, your small group, and get ready to be part of something HUGE in one day. For more information or to help out, contact Michelle at
Christmas Outreach Dinner (12/18)- Every year, we serve a turkey dinner to 800 people at The Crossing. We also give out clothes, toys, and medical help. We are starting now to plan for this holiday event. If you want to help make this event a success, contact Andy at
We have a team of 30 GOing down to Mexico this weekend Oct. 9-11 to reach out to the poor and build a home for a family there.
Oct. 21 -31 there is a team of 6 GOing to India – Pray for God to use them with the orphans, ministry students, staff and people in the community they will be interfacing with.
For anyone interested in GOing on a trip to engage in ministry with one of our five partners, on TUEDAY nights in November from 6:30 – 8 will be GO University held on the campus of The Crossing. For information contact or to attend Register Here!
UPCOMING TRIPS: January 5-15 – Vietnam, Early March – El Salvador, May – Mexico, End of June – Vietnam, July – Uganda, August – El Salvador
We are starting ongoing Spanish classes for anyone interested in impacting the Hispanic community locally, or globally. They will be on Wednesday nights from 6:30 – 8 starting in November. For information contact Jim Borgman at
Thanks for all you either have done, are doing or will do to GO show and share God’s love with others in very real and relevant ways. Let’s continue to be conduits of His love!
In His Strength,
Ian Stevenson
Pastor of GO Ministries
(949) 764-1521
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Ever Tasted Soap?
In every locker room I was a part, whether it be football, wrestling or baseball, the F-Word seemed a regular part of the communication of the student athletes I hung around. In fact, there were times where you thought it was cool to figure out how to use that particular word as the “subject”, the “verb” and the “object” of a sentence. Looking back on it now, I realize it was quite infantile and an indicator of fairly low intelligence, as well as limited vocabulary. Plus, I wasn’t all that keen on the taste of soap.
This weekend, we kick off a new series titled, “The F-Word” at The Crossing. Be there! Invite someone to join you! You DO NOT WANT TO MISS this weekend! I am looking forward to speaking. And don’t you worry, I’ll be watching my language, for all I know, my mom just might listen to the podcast!
See you this weekend,
Tim Celek
Lead Pastor
The Crossing
P.S. Do not forget this week we launch groups! There are on-campus groups, Monday, October 12 and Tuesday, October 13 AND there are groups that meet in homes. You can get more info by clicking this link.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Reflections from the Past Weekend
- TONS of commitment cards in the skiploader
- Preschool & Elementary kids bringing their money for the Campus Completion
- Moving from indoors to outdoors, ALL 6 services
- Standing on the spot of the new Auditorium
- Seeing video of soon to come outdoor baptismal, amphitheater and auditorium
Tim Celek
Lead Pastor
The Crossing
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Dangerous Ought to be Normal
Yet the Bible says, “Without faith it’s impossible to please God...”
Faith is anything but safe! I wonder could that be why there are 365 times (one for every day of the year) God says, “Fear not!” We ought to be out on the edge for God.
I say it often but this weekend, DO NOT MISS! It promises to be a DANGEROUS weekend!
This is our time. Everyone of us who loves The Crossing will be taking a dangerous step of God- sized faith. This weekend is Commitment Weekend. Plus, at every service hour we will be celebrating our Groundbreaking for the completion of our campus. DO NOT MISS IT!
Also, as promised, check out this video. God is in the business of changing lives. We have this BIG GOD who has power that is AMAZING! This past weekend there were tears, there were shouts, there was a standing ovation for our mind blowing God!
Next weekend starts a new series, The F-Word. It is one of those series that you will MOST definitely want to invite your friends, neighbors or family members to come with you to The Crossing.
Finally, we believe life change happens best in community. This coming week we launch our fall small groups. You can get more information by clicking this link. We have groups that meet in people’s homes and we have groups that meet at the church beginning October 12 & 13. There is a place for you.
Again, DO NOT MISS this weekend! It may not be safe, but it will be supernatural!
Tim Celek
Lead Pastor
The Crossing