Tuesday, January 26, 2010

A Picture is Worth a 1,000 Words

Pictures are everywhere! Facebook, Flickr, YouTube, Twitpic...the list goes on and on...we love seeing ourselves and others.

Photos display love, hate, devastation, restoration, care, chaos, excitement, terror, victory and defeat. Snapshots seem surreal at times. It can be incredibly hard to fathom or stomach what it is you’re seeing; sometimes you just have to look away. At other times, an image evokes exhilarating emotions such as laughter or joy. There’s just something about a picture.

On our Harley Road trip this summer, Sue took over 3,000 digital images. She had fun on the back of the bike :-)! Now, six months removed from that amazing experience, I’ll intentionally let my computer idle, allowing my screensaver to cycle through moments of the many memorable miles covered. And for a brief period, seeing these displays, I’m transported back to an amazing 30 days. That is the power of a photograph!

Here are two images...tell me, what do you think they have to do with one another?

Right now, I’m not going to give you any insight as to what they mean, but I will do my BEST to EXPLAIN them both THIS weekend. Chances are, what you think you see isn’t what really is.

Time to turn on my screensaver, see you this weekend!

Tim Celek
Lead Pastor
The Crossing

Friday, January 15, 2010

Responding to the Haitian Earthquake

Over the past days, I have found myself watching the sickening devastation in Haiti. I’ve spent time praying for people and organizations I don’t even know. As a result, I have contacted a partner of ours in the Dominican Republic, asking what is the best way to help. How will resources really get to the people and places in need?

At The Crossing, we’ve had the approach, rather than dumping money into a Black Hole of incredible need, we have partnered with local churches so they can transform their communities. This is important as it empowers the local churches (believers, not buildings) who were there before the earthquake and who will be there long after all the other relief efforts are completed.

Therefore, I’m offering to you a couple options to help the people of Haiti through people we trust.

Option 1: Give directly to The Crossing.

We will deliver 100% of the money to a network of church based organizations in the Dominican Republic who have integrated relationships with Haitian churches and they will take 100% of the monies to buy supplies in the Dominican Republic and transport to people in need in Haiti.
Click here to give online to The Crossing (Select "Haiti" under fund.)

Option 2: Click below to give to one of the organizations we know.
World Relief
Bright Hope International

Our desire is to bring comfort and hope to people following a crisis. Yet, we’re not there, but there are people who are and have been. They know what to do. They will seek to comfort the hurting, give hope to the hopeless and move the survivors from relief to development with GREAT care and LOADS OF compassion.

Please pray for the Haitian people, as well as for those doing their absolute best to coordinate and secure relief.

Tim Celek
Lead Pastor
The Crossing
Join us on Facebook

Monday, January 11, 2010

Supernatural Fuel for Life

Gas prices go up and down and in many ways, does it really matter? We’re still going to go, go, go...so sooner or later, we’ll need to put fuel in our cars or motorcycles. Food prices go up and down; does it really matter? We’ll still get hungry...so sooner or later, we’ll buy what we need to fuel our bodies. Fuel allows us to keep on going (vehicles) and growing (bodies).

I want you to consider a different and more advanced type of fuel, supernatural fuel. Ephesians 1:19-20 says, “I pray that you will understand the incredible greatness of God's power for us who believe him. This is the same mighty power that raised Christ from the dead and seated him in the place of honor at God's right hand in the heavenly realms.”

I have always found it amazing that we can catapult massive tonnage of steel like rockets and shuttles in the heavens. Rockets launch with an incredible amount of fuel. Yet stop right NOW and think of the kind of supernatural fuel that was necessary to “launch” Jesus from the grave. It’s one thing to launch a missile, it’s an ENTIRELY more awesome event to raise someone from the dead! Think of the POWER in that fuel! Not sure if I should say, “WOW” or “WHOA!”

Get this...God says to us that the same fuel that launched Jesus from the grave is available to those of us who believe, everyday and in every way. WOW!

As your pastor, I want you to get FUELED up in this New Year. I desire for you to know God more and grow deeper in your relationship with Him. I invite you to the launching pad at The Crossing this Tuesday and/or Thursday night (for the next four weeks) for what we’re calling FUEL. Get more info by clicking this link: Fuel Classes. Give it a go. The countdown has begun!

Ready for lift-off,

Tim Celek
Lead Pastor
The Crossing

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

New Year and NO Diet Soda

Did you make any resolutions? Decisions to change something? Renewed commitment toward some goal?

I shared with you all that I was “thinking” of giving up Diet Soda in a post during the month of December, well I’ve started the process. I am only a couple of days into it and so far so good. Forgoing Diet Soda is only ONE of a few goals I have for myself as I transition into a New Year and a NEW decade.

Goals are important for a number of reasons. First, without specific goals, often we end up at the end of a day or a month or a year without accomplishing much of anything significant. Second, without clear goals, those around us won’t have any idea what direction we’re heading in life or ministry. Third, goals allow us to focus on a few things.

Often times, I think a lot of people abandon their desired changes or resolutions simply because they attempt to do too many things rather than concentrate on a few things. No one can accomplish everything! But you and I can accomplish one or two amazing alterations in 2010, so give it go.

Fourth, bold people communicate their goals and see radical positive change. Fearful people keep their hopeful objectives to themselves and see minimal transformation. Let someone know what you want to see changed or altered in this next year. Invite the accountability. Extraordinary changes and accomplishments are possible.

In upcoming posts, I’ll let you know some of the goals we have for our church in 2010. Until then, keep on keeping on, don’t give up, invite God’s Spirit into the process and true change is just around the corner!

Expecting great things,

Tim Celek
Lead Pastor
The Crossing

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Read the Bible in 2010

Just in time for the new year, The You Version Team has launched more than 20 new Bible reading plans on YouVersion!


• 20+ plans are available online and on your mobile device, so you can keep up with your reading no matter where you are.
• You can customize each plan to match your schedule by making it shorter or longer.
• Easily track where you are by checking off each day’s reading. We’ll also show you how far along you are with a percentage of completion.
• Your online and mobile accounts will synchronize your information, including your plan and your progress.
• Soon, you’ll be able to build a support system by opting in for accountability emails to you and/or a friend.

Following a reading plan helps you stay on track with your Bible reading goals. Choose one (or several) and each day a special selection will be ready and waiting for you.

Pick the plan that’s the best fit for you:


See what God reveals to you when you spend time in Scripture each day!