When I began with the idea of a fundraiser for TSAOC (Tuberous Sclerosis Alliance of Orange County), I really didn’t know what an impact I could make. I knew that my neighbor’s daughter, Brenna, was born with an illness (TSC, Tuberous Sclerosis Complex) 7 years ago, but really didn’t know about it. When I told them I wanted to offer free haircuts in order to raise money for a non-profit, I asked Yvonne Kahlen if there was a non-profit organization that they belonged to. She and her husband Kent were excited. They want more awareness of this disease. They gave their approval for me to share their daughter’s illness with others. (She currently has brain tumors, heart tumors, and cysts in her kidneys, as well as extremely high blood pressure)
I quickly went to work. I typed up a flyer and printed 285 copies. It took me two evenings after work to individually hand each one out to all of my neighbors in my condominium complex.
When Saturday came around, I set up my carport like a mini hair salon. It included chairs for visitors, my haircutting supplies and chair, a table with complementary veggies and cake, a donation bag and literature about Brenna and TSAOC.
By 3pm Saturday, the donations and neighbors began to arrive. There was a bit of energy flowing and everyone was eager to learn about this rare disease. By the end of the day I had made $295.00. On Sunday, after helping with Estancia Extreme Makeover, I again set up shop for more donations. By the end of this day I made a total of $555.00 and had only done three haircuts. What awesome neighbors!
In the last several days since, more donations have trickled in.
So far I have collected $595.00 from a little $20 bill. More calls are coming in from neighbors wanting to donate. Even with out a haircut. How awesome is GOD!!!
This has really touched my heart.. This feeling is even better than shopping! I feel extremely blessed to be able to help others.
The Kahlen family would like you to know that it is only by God’s hand that Brenna is doing as well as she is. Whenever a doctor reveals yet another problem, they send out for a prayer requests. Soon after, Brenna is fine. God is watching over this little girl. He is testing the Kahlen’s faith and at the same time blessing them with this little miracle daughter!
Blessing to all,