Our family decided to help TeWinkle Middle School, where my sister works as a counselor. She is staff advisor for the Fellowship of Christian Athletes "Huddle" (club) which meets monthly at lunch on campus. They just started last year, and by June, they had over 200 students attend their last meeting. They even took a bus full of students to FCA's Night of Champions, where 30 student said "YES" to God.
This year the FCA student leaders met and decided it would be a wonderful way to advertise if they were to purchase FCA T-shirts to wear to school. The total cost of 36 T-shirts came to $367.95. They will be customized with TeWinkle "Trojans" on them, along with the FCA logo.
This morning at my small group meeting of wonderful ladies, I asked if anyone would like to donate towards this worthy cause - and they did! The T-Shirts will be ordered today! and hopefully arrive before their first meeting this year. (As a side note- FCA will also be starting a FCA Huddle at Estancia soon!)