Thursday, October 2, 2008

Yard Sale for the Community by Dezirae

My neighbor Natalie and I both received a $20 bill in each of our envelopes. I wasn't sure what to do with my money thinking it would be harder to make a lot of money out of a little money and I had no idea what Charity I wanted to donate to or what I was going to do with my results. First things first, I had to decide who is going to get the money. My roommate suggested S.O.S. Share Our Selves. Share Our Selves is a nonprofit organization that serves the poor, homeless, and uninsured in Orange County by providing medical, dental, food, clothing, financial aid and many other basic living essentials. I prayed about it and felt I could ask the people I work with if they would donate. No one jumped at the chance to give me their money so I had to think of another approach or idea. I decided then to have a yard sale and incorporate my neighbor so we had more stuff. Not wanting to leave my co-workers out, I asked them if they wanted to donate some things to the yard takers on that either. Everyone supposedly had "just donated their things to the goodwill." No worries. It is in Gods hands - lots of junk or a little junk, the show or sale must go on....I gotta make some cash. Saturday morning sure came early as Friday night I was preparing for the grand opening. I actually enjoy having yard sales so I didn't mind. I hadn't had any customers for a couple hours, because it gave me time to organize the sale and have it look shopper friendly. (Who wants to dig through someone Else's old cardboard box full of their junk?) When 11:00am rolled around and I had only one customer who bought two $1 items I started getting a little discouraged. I told God to send me some customers. About 4 hours later I had the "Big Sale." Someone came and almost bought me out. I told her my cause and she said she felt she needed to donate in some way because S.O.S. had helped her before. She bought $40 worth of stuff. At the end of the sale we had made $50 plus whatever spare dollars and change we had for the "cash register/donation jar". Still not satisfied with the results, my big mouth had to go back to work and tell the coworkers that the sale wasn't as lucrative as I had anticipated which must have guilted one of them since she donated $10. So, all in all, we donated $130 to Share Our Selves. This was an incredible experience. I loved it and I am grateful to have been given the opportunity to give back to the community I live in. Thank you The Crossing Church for that opportunity.

With all Glory Given to God,