Just the concept, "heading home," is a great thought...can't wait to see my hot (it's okay for me to say, of course she's blushing right about now) babe of a wife in Sue! Yessssss!
And then to get caught up with my young adult kids' happenings over the past 12 days is going to be awesome. I can't wait to reconnect with the greatest staff and church in the world. For so many different reasons, it will be better than nice to be home.
Home to me is a good thing, but I can't help but think about the many men, women and children, who have allowed me the extreme privilege to be a part of their world over these past few days.
What do they think of when they think of home?
What does the double orphan, a child whose lost both mom and dad, what is home to them? What about the day laborer who seeks and searches again for another 40 cents to $1 a day employment, only to be turned away yet again, what do they say to their family when they return home at the end of a day?
What about the mom who has no training on caring for infant and no food in her home to nourish her child? What about young girls 12, 13, 14 and up, sold out of their home into an ever expanding sex trade market? What about a preschooler or elementary child who steps out their home into raw sewage? What about...no I think I stop right there...
I know God's Word says for those in relationship with Him, this is NOT our home, but can those in the above paragraph really drink that in and hear such amazing news as this. And why would they want to, when "home" isn't anywhere they'd want to be.
Yet as seemingly dire and difficult life can be for many I encountered, I saw first hand PHENOMENAL people, men, women, children, pastors and parishioners, project managers, partnership facilitators and community intervention specialists who ARE rebuilding "homes" for people. No, not necessary in the physical sense of four walls and door, but these folks are rebuilding (The family in the photo is just one example among many I met) lives .
They ARE doing amazing work, but they don't even see it as work (Unfortunately, I might). They're providing a new and a very real concept of home. Sure the need is overwhelming, but these Godly, faith-filled, compassionate people are seeing it happen one life at a time.
Thanks for praying, thanks for reading,
Tim Celek
Lead Pastor
The Crossing
P.S. Make sure you make plans to be at The Crossing this weekend, I will be sharing thoughts and insights about my trip to India and more (Remember this coming weekend, clocks get changed, SPRING FORWARD)