The School Project is all about The Crossing, as a team, our whole church, together serving our community in a practical, tangible and real way. We will be working closely with the Leadership of Estancia High School to do all we can on one weekend to spruce up, clean up and serve this under-resourced school right here in Costa Mesa. The plan is for the entire church to help from 9am-12pm on Sunday September 21st and then have a celebration and service all together afterwards, right there on the school campus. The Crossing always has been, is, and always will be about showing and sharing God’s love to our community in real, relevant and practical ways! You will not want to miss this awesome opportunity for us to do it TOGETHER. Sign ups for the various project crews will begin August 30 & 31 and will continue up until the weekend of the event. Choose what crew you will serve on, and have fun in the process.