First: I woke up early this morning still mega-pumped from the Beach Baptisms. WOW! God is so good. Moms, Dads came up to me with tears in their eyes, yet with enthusiastic faces...telling me they've been praying for their now adult kids for years and years and years to let Jesus into their lives. Well, yesterday, we celebrated 120 people who've had their worlds' rocked by Jesus! I was pumped and I still am! DO NOT miss this weekend as we show a baptism recap video. After watching it, you'll want to stand up and shout, "Yea GOD!"
Second: Yep, we're on the road, left going along the foggy PCH coastline (temp 68) and ended up in a blast furnace called Palm Desert (temp 105), but it's a dry heat, right? It's actually quite enjoyable to have a hairdryer going full force pointed 1/8 of inch from your face, quite lovely...really.
Many have asked, "How do you pack for a trip like that?" Answer, you don't, you just go to Walmart everyday...jk. Okay, really now, see those two bags, they're IT, nothing more. The top case contains possibly the most crucial stuff, rain gear, computer, cell phones, oh ya, and it houses our helmets when we stop. Yes, we do stop, every 400 miles or so :-)...not this trip, we're stopping when we feel like stopping, tomorrow we're heading toward the Grand Canyon. I've gone past that sucker around 7 or so times, never stopped (remember I'm a destination guy), but this time, I'm enjoying the journey.
Last thing, before you leave this webpage, make sure you meet Randy Moraitis...the guy knocks it out of the park in our Lifelines and Care ministry. Pray for him will you, this week he leaves for one of our Global ministry partners in Vietnam to do leadership training. Take some time to see how God has worked in Carmelia's life and a BIG thank you to Guest Service volunteers, Eric and Debi.
From the road and still pumped!