So what is coming home on the bike as MY (Sue) souvenir?
A silver ring and a book from the Grand Canyon
A Harley shirt and a charm
Metal visitor buttons from two Harley factory plant tours
Three post cards
Frank Lloyd Wright stained glass coasters
A tiny Lincoln china plate Christmas ornament (the size of a half dollar)
Small gift from the Ludington Ferry for the girls (shhh, don't tell!)
Two decks of cards (family tradition)
Small rock samples from several locations (Tim humors me on this one!)
Beach glass and a lucky stone from Lake Erie (a shared passion with my sister Sally)
What you can't see that is packed to come with us is a digital picture log in the thousands, wonderful memories with amazing people, and a marriage still intact!
So what is Tim bringing home? Two long sleeve, purchased out of necessity in Durango, CO and the other from the Sturgis Harley Davidson shop. He told me it's tradition if you come to Sturgis you have to buy something from that Harley dealership. Last, he received two FREE visitor buttons from two Harley plant tours.
So Tim is a pretty good guy. Even though small, it is nice to be bringing some mementos home. The ride is not done, but the available space is...well, there's always UPS or Fedex.
With memories that will last forever,
PS. Read about staff highlight, Kim Moraitis. Kim prepares the cirriculum and weekend programming for the Children's Ministry. She has a passion sharing God's love to our children. Check out dynamic duo Eric and Julie Marovish who serve every weekend in the Children's Ministry. They are faithful and committed and make serving a family event!! And you will want to read about how the women's retreat this year had a HUGE impact on Monique Denger!!