CHAZOWN is the Hebrew word for vision, not to be mistaken for calzone, the delicious Italian pastry stuffed with sauce, meet, vegetables … This past year over 100 people at The Crossing have been walking through the process of seeking God for his Chazown for their lives. It has been so great seeing people seek God in new ways for his call and purpose for their lives. As people have honed in on their Chazown, they have also evaluated next steps in their relationship with God, their relationship with others, their work lives, their health & fitness, as well as their finances so they could align their lives more effectively to be about what God wants them to be about. The ripple effect has been amazing as now those who went through Chazown themselves are now helping walk others through it.
If you have not gone through Chazown but would like to talk to a small group or ministry leader you may know OR e-mail pdetken@thecrossing.com he will help connect you to someone that could walk you through it.
For all of you that went through Chazown, I challenge you as we head into the New Year to set goals for yourselves for this year in the 5 areas outlined in the book that need to line up to really get after it, (relationship with God, relationship with others, health, work, finances) then share them with the person who you walked Chazown out with. You may also share them with the person you may be taking through Chazown, but keep the ball rolling folks. Remember Pauls encouragement in Phillipians chapter 3 and “press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called (you) heavenward in Christ Jesus.”
Ian Stevenson
Pastor of GO Ministries