Saturday, July 2, 2011

Day One! Road Trip!

What a day! It started off early. We spent the night in Palm Desert at a friend's home. Sue & I got a great start at 5 am. What beauty to see the sunrise over the desert landscape. God's goodness on display.

When we did this ride 2 years ago, I thought it was hot then, today the temp gauge on the Harley read 115, it was hotter this time. However the smell of pine trees heading into Prescott, the twisty road to Jerome, and the Red Rocks of Sedona, more than made up for the heat. We love riding. Sue does, I do. I'm blessed to have someone like Sue.

We ended our day reading God's Word together. We read the Gospels of Matthew 1, Luke 1, and John 1. I'm encouraging everyone to journal using something called S.O.A.P. I've already stated the "S" the Scriptures. The "O" stands for observation. My biggest observation was how from the people of the Old Testament listed in Matthew, to Luke's Gospel with Zechariah, Elizabeth, Mary, and John the baptist and then to John's writings about the first disciples, Andrew, Simon, Phillip, and this very day, God uses ordinary people. People like YOU and me.

It's all about Jesus, yes, however, God uses us in big ways. As frail and fouled up as we are God works in and through ordinary people. The "A" stands for application. My application is to do my best not to allow my stupid biases and petty judgments to get in the way of seeing how God desires to use those who cross my path so very often at The Crossing.

"P" is for prayer, which is what I'm off to do, right now!

So read through the Gospels in 30 days. We'll travel with Jesus together.

Thanks for reading,

Tim Celek
Lead Pastor
The Crossing