Thursday, December 22, 2011

Christmas Services at The Crossing

Why wrap gifts and presents? I mean, really. Nobody cares about the wrapping. Almost immediately it goes in the trash. I don't get it.

And before you go off on me, thinking I'm some sort of Scrooge or Grinch, I'm not, I love Christmas. I love to give to gifts. It is so fun to give. I've just always struggled with the wrapping paper. I just as soon give my gifts in the paper bag or the plastic bag from the department store. It's what's inside that counts, right?

However, there IS one gift given that I am so glad came in special wrapping. This particular gift is Jesus. He was wrapped in skin. It sounds a bit weird to say it that way, but it is true. Because He came in human form, He can relate to us. "Wow," is about all I can say…and "thank you, Lord!"

This coming, Thursday, Friday, Saturday…we will be celebrating God's gift to humanity. I'm looking forward to seeing you at one of our Christmas services.

Merry Christmas,

Tim Celek
Lead Pastor
The Crossing