Then in February my doctor decided I needed shoulder surgery. I didn't want to do this as I feared losing some of my independence and needing much help from my friends. As the pain was getting to unbearable I had to take a leap of faith and go ahead with the surgery. I was told that I would probably be able to start lifting my chair back into my car again in 6 to 8 weeks. After the surgery I found out it was worse than anticipated. So now the recovery is taking longer than and not as smooth as we had planned. Then as I started to ask how long before I could lift my chair into my car they said 6 months maybe and possibly never again.
As we continued to pray and asked more people to pray about my situation, I knew that the Lord had a plan in this. One thing is I've always been independent and didn't like having to rely on others let alone ask for help. So during this time I've had to ask my friends, neighbors and strangers for help. If I needed to go somewhere during the day, I would try to find a neighbor and ask them if they could put my chair in the car. Then I would go to my destination and ask a stranger if they could help me get my chair out of the car. This was so out of my comfort zone but the Lord was helping to grow me through this situation. During this time, I knew the Lord had a plan and that I just needed to be faithful in trusting his plans and timing.
In July, my friend called me about an email and some info she had. I had no idea what she was talking about until the next day. I then learned about the email she sent to The Crossing regarding the Car Giveaway that is a part of the 20th Birthday Celebration. So if it hadn't been for my friend and the Lord speaking through her heart, I would never have applied. So now this is another opportunity to share with people how the Lord works in our lives at His pace and time when we are faithful and obedient to Him. Also that PRAYER WORKS. Through this I've also grown in my faith and have been given the opportunity to call on the Lord daily and be able to know He is at my side during this all.
So I thank the Lord, The Crossing and all who are involved for Blessing my life and giving me my independence back. I also thank the Lord for helping me grow in an area that had such a stronghold on y life and giving me a change in heart.
Sincerely with Christ's love,
Debra Stawarz