It was stated just an hour into one of the BEST mornings (Today, Saturday, July 25) we've had on this trip, cool, crisp, abundant sunshine and a bit of breeze. The setting is and was perfect. I ruined it by going TOO fast...by a barn...not just any barn, a barn with a quilt on the side. Sue loves to take pictures of these barns...me, I tend to zoom by...I think I'll be slowing down a bit more in the future.
Yesterday, I saw a "brown" deer dart out from the trees, leaving a brown spot on my pants :-) and I found out my ABS brake system works just fine.
Also, we were being chased the entire day by a STORM, there was a tornado watch all day. We made it to our host's home, the home of Bob and Leesa Westfall. Bob is the Lead Pastor of New Covenant Bible Church of Cedar Rapids, Iowa. What humble people! What gracious hosts! We never met them before yesterday and we hope to see them again. Awesome time...we even got to watch as an INCREDIBLE midwest storm pass over their house, the kind with winds, rain, lighting and thunder...
We've gone OVER 5,000 miles now, ONLY 237 miles of that on the Interstate/Freeways. We've seen some of the most beautiful country side. Yesterday we traveled, the Great River Road in Illinois and the Iowa side, also traveled on a stretch of the Iowa Scenic Byway of route 64.
Have a super weekend in So. Cal. or where ever you're reading this from...we hope to do the same.