Well, Sue and I have loved every moment of our ride...well, okay...not every moment.
- There have been those moments where I'm acting like a real #%& and Sue has been her usual angelic self. I DEFINITELY married up (no comments, either).
- There have been those moments where the terrain is flat and the corn fields seem to go on FOREVER.
- There have been those moments when IDIOT me has slipped a mental disk and forgotten dinner engagements with super people.
- We've met awesome people.
- We've had people extend incredible kindness, generosity and hospitality to us.
- We've seen the majestic and grand design of our great God in places too numerous to mention.
- We've enjoyed being together, the two of us.
- We've had fun riding, riding and riding some more...
We are in Northwest Ohio...heading out today toward Northern Michigan, then down into Wisconsin and over to Harley Mecca, Milwaukee, WI, then off to see friends in Northwest Illinois, then back west through Iowa, Nebraska, South Dakota, Wyoming, Montana, Utah and HOME!!! We will be chronicling the trip every step of the way.
Before I sign off, just want to say, I LOVE our church. The Crossing ROCKS. God is moving! Or BEST days are ahead of us! Yea God!
Thanks for reading!
P.S. Today we are highlighting staff Ben Coplin. This guy can speak, sing and has a passion for the youth at our church and in our community! Also check out serving hero, Lora Miller. Lora has been serving at The Crossing for MANY years in MANY ways. Thank you Lora for your dedication. Don't get off the site before you read about Janice Walker's life changing story and how she found healing and community at The Crossing during a difficult season on her life!!