Thursday, March 10, 2011

Days are getting longer, yea!

We had a great kickoff last weekend to the new series, "Crazy Love!" As I shared this past weekend, patience isn't one of my top virtues. Whether it's counting the people in grocery store check out lines, driving a car NASCAR-style or doing my best in a conversation to be fully present, often times I'm darting here and there. Yet this week has been different. Yea God!

This week I practiced the discipline of "slowing." I decided to let people go in front of me in line. During conversations, I was attentive. And for the most part, I've driven the speed limit. I can't say it was me because each day, as well as many moments during the day, I found myself asking for the power of God's Spirit.

This weekend we continue discussing "Crazy Love." DO NOT miss it! I've heard so many people say they are going to bring a friend. I hope you do as well. Something to remember if you attend church on Sunday mornings, THIS WEEKEND, the clocks "spring forward." It is a good news/bad news proposition. The bummer is we lose an hour of sleep. The good news is there will be more day light at the end of the day.

Whether you're ending your day by attending The Crossing on Saturday night at 5:30 p.m. or you're beginning your day on Sunday at The Crossing, 8:30, 9:30, 10, 11, or 11:30 a.m., I can guarantee you'll be glad you came.

See you this weekend,

Tim Celek
Lead Pastor
The Crossing

P.S. Remember to jump in a "Crazy Love" group. We have Connection groups on the campus of The Crossing or Community groups that meet in homes. You can get more information by selecting this link.